Wu Yuxiang’s Taijiquan classic states “You must act according to your opponent, not try to do things from yourself, for if you go along with your opponent,
Training with partners of any kind will eventually lead to being paired with someone that keeps making mistakes, has their own agenda, or is too caught
Some practitioners who are older or primarily practice for health practice as softly as possible. Some instead practice as if moving, or "swimming" through …
I encourage all my students to learn Pushing Hands . Even if my students are learning Tàijíquán for health and insist that they never wish to learn …
Whenever I see my son about to scream or cry out of frustration and/or anger, I tell him “Do your breathing”. My two year old will raise and lower his arms
This article is based on Sun Jian Guo's book on the Taijiquan of Wu Yu Xiang (1812-1880), and some of it's components. In It are included 3 traditional fist …
Many Taijiquan (太極拳) practitioners never learn interactive weapons, and some do not even study weaponless interactive
My first foray into the “internal” arts was when I took up Taijiquan around five years ago. Learning Tai Chi has taught me how to move from the inside …
When trying to focus on more than one task, we rapidly switch our attention from one task to another. Although it seems instantaneous, switching from one task …
If you want to learn Tai Chi you need to have a teacher, hopefully a good one. You can’t simply copy the movements from a video or read about the principles …