Author: Slanted Flying
Tai Chi Becoming More Popular With Iranian Women

The art of Tai Chi has been becoming more popular across the world in recent years. Whether one learns it for health, meditation, a style of martial art, or just for social activity, more people are making Tai Chi a part of their lives. In the last few years Tai Chi has become more popular … [Read more…]
10 Guiding Principles For Tai Chi By T. T. Liang

T. T. Liang (1900 – 2002) gives a talk on his 10 guiding principles for Tai Chi from his book “T’ai Chi Ch’uan for Health and Self-Defense”. This was filmed at the annual Zhang San Feng festival when he was 96 years old. Above video was curated from Zhong Ding Tai Chi Youtube channel. T. T. … [Read more…]