Slanted FlyingJournal of Tai Chi Chuan

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Tai Chi in the movie “This Must Be The Place”

The movie "This Must Be The Place" is about a former rock star who embarks on a quest from his retirement to find the ex-Nazi war who had persecuted his

Challenging yourself in Tai Chi Practice

How much do you challenge yourself in your practice of Tai Chi Chuan? This firefighter dons full gear, including oxygen tank and mask, and then performs the 38 …

Chen Zhenglei Demonstrates Tai Chi At U.N. Headquarters

On December 8th, 2016, Chen Tai Chi master Chen Zhenglei gave a speech and demonstration to staff members of the United Nations on the subject of Tai Chi

School Students Learn Tai Chi From Visiting Master

Children at a New York School had the chance to learn some moves from a Tai Chi master visiting from China, Xiao Bing, who comes from Foshan

The Tai Chi Mannequin Challange

Have you heard about one of the latest online crazes? We have had the Flash Mobs, the Harlem Shake, the Ice Bucket Challenge... Well, now there is the …

Henry Look Passes Away

Sad news of the passing of Grand-master Henry Look (1925-2016), who was 90 years old. He left this world on Tuesday morning, November

Cheng Jin Cai Passes Away

Cheng Jin Cai (1953 - 2016) passed away on Sunday, November 6th after a three month battle with pancreatic cancer. He was an 19th generation master of the Chen …

T’AI CHI Magazine Founder Marvin Smalheiser Passes Away

Marvin Smalheiser, the founder and editor of the popular T'AI CHI Magazine, passed away on October 21, 2016 from undisclosed causes. He was in his mid

Ma Jiang Bao Passes Away

Ma Jiang Bao (1941 -2016) passed away on October 12th, 2016. He was a well respected teacher of the traditional Wu style of Tai Chi

11,000 Demonstrate Tai Chi Together

11,000 Tai Chi practitioners from all across the country gathered together in Handan, which is located in Hebei Province of northern

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