The Tai Chi Grandma

This wonderful short film titled “Tai Chi Grandma” is about 78-year-old Josie Roberts who began practicing Tai Chi when she was older. The film was made in 2012 by her grandson Eden Roberts, as a Year 13 Media Studies student at Western Springs College. The original music in the short film is also by Eden Roberts.

Josie and her son Robert both discuss how not only has the practice of Tai Chi has benefited her, but also the effect that the practice has had on her as a whole. Please enjoy this excellent short film, and I hope it inspires you as much as it did myself!

“Tai Chi Grandma” is a testament to how the practice of Tai Chi Chuan can greatly benefit those who learn, no matter what age they start!

Don’t forget to check out our other Tai Chi videos and let us know what you think of them!


  1. Wonderful story, and a fabulous reminder that we are never too old to take up something life changing, and to really change our perspective and level of health!

    Thanks for sharing this!


  2. Sharon Weissmann

    Your film will affect so many other people maybe to try tai chi. I have studying since my 40s now in my 60s like you ,continue to study.
    Recently had thyroid surgery and recovered quickly not only due to my holistic habits but my practice of Tai Chi and Chi Gong.
    Thank you for the film ..inspirational

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