Some time ago, Slanted Flying received an email from one of our readers. Her Tai Chi instructor saw an article we did titled “Tai Chi Park Was Built As Tribute For A Teacher“, which was about the David Chen Memorial Tai Chi Park in Montgomery County, Maryland. The instructor, Michel Czehatowski, e-mailed the article to his class. The woman exclaimed in the email: “It is BEAUTIFUL!! Several of the students, as well as Michel, are interested in creating something like this in our town – Redding, California.”
Artist’s conception of the completed Tai Chi Meditation Garden at the Sundial Bridge site.
I was able to forward the contact information of the people involved in building the David Chen Memorial Tai Chi Park for her to give to Michel Czehatowski. I was happy to hear that they have proceeded with planning a Tai Chi Meditation Garden for practicing Tai Chi and Qigong in Redding, California. The plans for the garden are based on the design of the David Chen Memorial Tai Chi Park.
To complete this wonderful project, their group will need to find funding to build the Tai Chi Meditation Garden. To help achieve this goal, they are looking at the possibility of getting a grant for the extra funding.
The Redding Tai Chi Meditation Garden project video, created with the help of the Shasta County Arts Council, has been submitted to the USA Today Network “A Community Thrives” (ACT) grant competition. The National Voting Period began on April 12, 2017 and will end on May 12, 2017.
You can vote for this great project by viewing their submission at on the A Community Thrives (ACT) official website during the Voting Period. There is a maximum of one (1) vote per person, per day. The top 10 voted submissions will be reviewed by a panel of judges. The panel will determine the top three applicants in each category who will be awarded grants of either $50,000 or $100,000 each.
Winning the grant will mean that the group can go forward with the building of the Tai Chi Meditation Garden, however they must get into the top ten most popular videos to win. I feel it is important to support these types of projects that can only have a strong benefit for the larger Tai Chi community as a whole. I would love to see more of these types of dedicated spaces for the practice of Tai Chi!
You can find out more about the Redding Tai Chi Meditation Garden project by visiting this link: