Tai Chi In The Movie Easy Rider

The movie Easy Rider is an American Classic that was made in 1969. It was written by, and stars, Peter Fonda and Dennis Hopper. The movie also features Jack Nicholson. The story follows two counterculture motorcyclists who ride from Los Angeles to New Orleans, searching for freedom but mostly find negativity or hostility along the way.

During their travels, they visit a commune, and we get to see actor Robert Walker Jr., who plays Jack in the movie, perform some Tai Chi movements in front of the beige parachute backdrop of the stage at the commune.

Robert Walker Jr. learned Tai Chi Chuan from Marshall Ho, as did his mother, Jennifer Jones, who learned in 1962. Marshall Ho had also been associated with and taught Tai Chi to Hollywood notables such as John Saxon, Grace Boyd, Nick Nolte, Erin Gray, and Craig T. Nelson.

If you haven’t seen this movie yet, you can click on the image below to see more about it!

Check out other posts featuring Tai Chi in Movies and TV

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