Short School Description
We are a branch from the Wudang Dragon Gate School and specialize in Tai Chi Chuan, Xing-I Chuan, Bagua Zhang and Wudang Fist. Since 1990 we have trained over 5 dozen US National Champions in various aspects of these arts as well as having several World Champions within our ranks. We teach complete arts to include form, weapons, push hands, self defense, combat training, history, principles, energy aspects , and Taoist theory.
Long School Description
Same as above plus
We also have instructor training programs, rigorous combat swordplay instruction and internal methods from several styles. We beleive in challenging training while also maintaining a friendly and supportive atmosphere.
Our Second location, the Ckear Circle training Center in Gaithersburg MD provides individualized private training..
We also have available online instruction through Zoom and FaceTime,.
A great way to begin or to improve your Tai Chi/ Internal skills.
Group and private instruction to suit your needs and goals.