Students learn Cheng Man-Ching Simplified Yang Style Tai Chi; Form, Push Hands and Sword Form. The Tai Chi form is learned on both sides. Warm-up exercises are taught from the Tchoung Ta Tchen Dual Sided Yang Style Tai Chi. Joint Mobility exercises are also taught.
The Yang Styles of Tai Chi being taught provides great emphasis on relaxation, flexibility, increased range of motion, centering, and balance. Students learn to ‘relax’ while remaining alert. As students advance they learn push-hands techniques. These techniques develop the ability to ‘listen’ to the movements (and intent) of another person. In more advanced stages students learn self defense through relaxing, offering no resistance and utilizing the force of an opponent against them.
Later Advanced instruction includes learning the Tchoung Ta Tchen Dual Sided Yang Style Forms, moving push hands, two man drills, partnered sets, and more.
Participants who practice regularly will experience increased mobility, improved balance, body strengthening and muscular realignment.