Still Mountain T’ai Chi and Chi Kung, LLC

Dr. Clippinger's Groundbreaking Book on Qi
Tai Chi Style
School Website Address
Head Instructor
Dr. David Clippinger
Short School Description
Still Mountain T’ai Chi and Chi Kung is dedicated to authentic T’ai Chi Chuan that has been passed down through numerous generations, and we emphasize the health of body and mind, meditative awareness, and the art of self-defense. We offer a number of classes, seminars, and workshops that cover a wide variety of styles and forms, but at its core, Still Mountain is faithful to the authentic essence of T’ai Chi Chuan and Chi Kung.
Long School Description

Dr. David Clippinger is a practitioner, scholar, and Master of T’ai Chi and Chi Kung, who has studied with many renowned T’ai Chi masters including Professor Li Deyin, Madame Fang Mi-Shou, Grandmaster William C. C. Chen, Master Helen Wu, Dr. Jwing Ming Yang, Grandmaster Daniel Lee, Grandmaster Xiaoxing Chen, Grandmaster Nick Gracenin, Dr. Yang Yang, and others. He has published articles on T’ai Chi, Buddhism, and Taoism in various journals and books and is currently writinga book that includes discussions of meditation and Chi Kung exercises. His book, Cultivating Qi, published by Singing Dragon Books (2017), the foremost publisher on books on T’ai Chi Chuan (taijiquan), Chi Kung (qigong), Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), and meditation has been called “the first book that integrates practice and philosophy for a Western audience.”

In addition to running Still Mountain, Dr. Clippinger has lectured upon T’ai Chi and Chi Kung at Allegheny General Hospital, was a keynote presenter for the 2005 National Ovarian Cancer Symposium and has conducted therapeutic T’ai Chi and Chi Kung workshops at Magee’s Womens Hospital, Gilda’s Club of Western PA, the Cancer Caring Center, the Dean Ornish Program at Allegheny General, the National Hemophilia Foundation’s Family Weekend, Shepherd Wellness Community Center, and the Healing Weekend Retreat for Persons for HIV/AIDS. He facilitates a corporate wellness program in Downtown Pittsburgh at UPMC as well as other locations.

Dr. Clippinger is also a fully ordained Ch’an Buddhist Monk with the Dharma name of Venerable Shih Tao-Fa (“The Way of the Dharma”). Dr. Clippinger has been featured in articles in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Pittsburgh Tribune Review, Point of Light, and in “Now and Zen,” which was published in Mt. Lebanon Magazine, March, 2005. His research study on the medical benefits of meditation practices for the immune system—titled “Embracing the Moon: Therapeutic Benefits of Zen Meditation Techniques in HIV and AIDS Treatment”—was published by Howard University’s College of Medicine in June 2011.

Dr. Clippinger is currently writing Inner Medicine: the Five Elements of Health and Healing, to be published by Singing Dragon.

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Dillon Drive
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  • Dr. Clippinger With Dr. Yang, one of the great Masters with whom he has studied.

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