Masich Internal Arts Method 馬希奇内家拳法

Practical Taijiquan
Tai Chi Style
School Website Address
Head Instructor
Sam Masich
Short School Description
Join Yanira and Sam Masich on their taijiquan and internal arts journeys around the world! Discover the unique features of The Masich Internal Arts Method.

Long School Description

The Masich Internal Arts Method (Mǎxīqí Nèijiāquánfǎ 馬希奇内家拳法) is an approach to Chinese internal martial arts (nèijiāquán 内家拳) that is centred in Full-curriculum Yang-style Taijiquan (Yángshì Tàijíquán Quánfǎ 楊式太極拳全法), The 5 Section Taijiquan Program (Wǔduàn Tàijíquán Kèchéng 五段太極拳课程), ‘form-and-will boxing’ (xíngyìquán 形意拳), ‘eight-trigrams palm’ (bāguàzhǎng 八卦掌), and other internal arts practices (nèigōng 內功). ‘Masich Internal Arts Method’ identifies the distinctive teaching and training approaches developed by Sam Masich in his research over nearly four decades.

The Masich Internal Arts Method Full-curriculum Yang-style Taijiquan Program (Mǎxīqí Nèijiāquánfǎ Yángshì Tàijíquán Quánbù Kèchéng 馬希奇内家拳法楊式太極拳全部课程) is rooted in an eighty-five year, multi-generational lineage inherited by Masich. The 5 Section Taijiquan Program was created by him in order to prepare students for the Full-curriculum Yang-style Taijiquan Program.

The Masich Internal Arts Method is established with the intention of honouring, enriching, and enlivening internal martial arts traditions by maintaining and promoting traditional practices in the light of contemporary understanding. To follow are some of the distinguishing features of the Masich Internal Arts Method.

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  • Taijiji—Taiji Halberd

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