Prairie School of Tai Chi Chuan

Prairie School of Tai Chi Chuan
Tai Chi Style
Head Instructor
Eric James
Short School Description
Our school provides instruction in both the Yang and Wu styles of Tai Chi Chuan and all their aspects i.e. Forms, weapons, combat applications, push hands, and Chi Kung/Qigong. We also offer Chi Kung classes.
Long School Description

Instruction is certified under the Lian Yee Mouh Seuht Federation based in Montreal Quebec. The core curriculum is grounded in the Yang style with the Wu style blended in as the student progresses. The philosophy of instruction is traditional in the sense that no promises of easy gain are made: it should be understood that regular practice is the only secret in Tai Chi Chuan. Acquisition of the various techniques and forms is predictable over time. But, it is up to the individual to decide how far their practice will take them in experiencing some of the depths that it is possible to attain, or what level of skill and not just techniques they would like to have.

While expertise in the style can take some time benefits to the health are experienced throughout one's Tai Chi career even from the beginning.

The social interaction in class is kept light and we have a lot of fun while practicing in earnest. Due to our unique curriculum in authentic Tai Chi Chuan and to the kind of people this internal style attracts, I like to think that our school can afford to be a refreshing alternative in the martial art community. In other words, you will still learn a martial art, but with less of the military environment so often experienced in North American martial art schools. It is possible to be respectful and devoted while having fun at the same time.

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