Fong Ha Passes Away

Fong Ha (1937? – 2019), a well known teacher of traditional Yang style Tai Chi Chuan, and the internal art of Yiquan (I-chuan) has passed away. Cheung Fong Ha was born in Guangzhou (Canton) in approximately 1937. As a young infant, he was adopted by an affluent family. The Ha family moved to Hong Kong just before the communist government took power in China. When Fong Ha was young, he was very athletic and interested in Chinese Martial Arts.

Fong Ha began learning the Yang style of Tai Chi in Hong Kong in 1953 at the age of 16 from Tung Ying Chieh, a top student of the famous Yang Cheng Fu. Fong Ha studied with Tung until 1958 when he moved to the United States. Fong Ha returned to Hong Kong in the early 1960’s. After learning that his teacher Tung Ying Chieh had died, Fong Ha continued his studies with Yang Sau Chung, who was the eldest son of Yang Cheng Fu. His experiences and interest in the Chinese Martial Arts eventually led him to learn the internal art of Yiquan as well.

Please enjoy the video below which shows Fong Ha teaching Tai Chi push hands to students.

Fong Ha ended up settling in Berkley, California, where he taught the Yang style of Tai Chi Chuan and Yiquan for many years, as well teaching nationally and internationally. Fong Ha wrote a book called “YIQUAN AND THE NATURE OF ENERGY: THE FINE ART OF DOING NOTHING AND ACHIEVING EVERYTHING”, as well he produced a video called “STILLNESS IN MOVEMENT: THE PRACTICE OF T’AI-CHI CH’UAN”.

Fong Ha will be sadly missed by the world’s Tai Chi community. Our condolences go out to his family, friends, and his many students.


  1. John Lee

    I am sadden to learn of his passing. He was a wonderful teacher and warm person. I had moved out of the Bay Area when I had retired twelve years ago. RIP Sifu.

  2. Windy

    Thank You Sifu Fong Ha for all your dedication to teaching & sharing your life with us all. Beautiful man. Your time here on Maui students and with Uma were always special treat for us.

  3. Paul Howell

    I am very sorry to learn Fong Ha has passed. His Teaching brought me a lot of relief, and I am sure he helped a lot of people with his instruction. His style brought relief of mental stress and physical well being in the most subtle of ways.

    An amazing art form, Fong Ha’s Tai Chi.

  4. Tina Perricone

    I think about Fong Ha all of the time. I cherish all the time I spent with him and his smile, from the early 90s especially in San Anselmo…..He changed my life, infused it with his grounded magic.

    • Elizabeth

      Hi, Don. You taught me standing meditation and introduced me to Fong Ha—-a wonderful man! I still have his Stillness in Motion VHS tape. Thank you for the introduction. Best wishes. Elizabeth W.

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