Slanted FlyingJournal of Tai Chi Chuan

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About Sam Langley

Sam has been practicing Tai Chi for 8 years and is a fully certified instructor with the Tai Chi union for Great Britain. Find out more about Sam on his Tai Chi website: The Whole Body. You can also check out Sam's online course on Tai Chi: Tai Chi Basics.

Hypnosis for Tai Chi

The article “Hypnosis for Tai Chi” is reprinted on Slanted Flying website with the permission of the author Sam Langley from his personal Blog. Imagine …

Health Defence

Lately everyone is thinking about health, their own and their family's and friend's. People might start to think about ways to strengthen their immune

5 Life Problems Solved With Tai Chi

Tai Chi can profoundly change you as a human being. There are so many ways in which Tai Chi helps you that they could fill a very thick book but here are


Most books on the subject tell you it's something to do with energy and the mind. Whilst there may be some truth to this it doesn't help a beginner very


It's understandable that people are sceptical. Qi is a much-abused word. Many Tai Chi teachers play up the magical, ethereal and intangible aspects of the

Pay Attention!

During standing practice, something occurred to me: Awareness is the first and most important principle in Tai


Young children don't mind repetition but adults often find repeating the same movements over and over, tedious and

Letting Go

The closest you'll get to not doing is meditating. Of course, once you try to sit there and do nothing you find it's impossible! You try to calm your mind and …

Master Chen Yingjun

Maybe it was when the floorboards shattered that I realised I was in the presence of a warrior. Taijiquan is a battlefield martial art and its original


The word 'Relax' is a pleasing one and I've yet to find a better word to replace it. It is, perhaps though, problematic.

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