Author: Slanted Flying
Gin Soon Chu Passes Away

Tai Chi master Gin Soon Chu passed away on March 18th, 2019. He was a disciple of Yang Sau Chung, who was the oldest son of the famous Yang Cheng Fu. Gin Soon Chu first started learning Tai Chi from Lai Hok Soon in Hong Kong in 1956. After his first teacher’s death in 1964, he … [Read more…]
Tai Chi In “Buffy The Vampire Slayer”

In the sixth and seventh episodes of the third season of the hit television show Buffy the Vampire Slayer, we get to see the characters Angel and Buffy practice Tai Chi (or some version of it). Buffy the Vampire Slayer was a popular television show which aired from 1996 until 2003. It was based on … [Read more…]
True To Life

“True To Life – Taiji Beneath The Surface” is a wonderful short film by William Jobling which features Pamela Hiley, a British Tai Chi instructor who is living in Norway. The film is structured as a guided meditation into the spirituality of the Dao, exploring subjects of breathing, balance, defence, neutralising conflict and moving beyond … [Read more…]