Slanted FlyingJournal of Tai Chi Chuan


Music Video By Latroit Features Tai Chi

Grammy award winning producer Latroit with Charlz released a new music video, which features Master Zi performing Tai Chi on a jetty outcropping into the

Redding Tai Chi Meditation Garden To Be Constructed At Turtle Bay

Turtle Bay Exploration Park has provided land for a dedicated Tai Chi practice area to be called the Redding Tai Chi Meditation Garden

Schoolchildren Practice Tai Chi During Covid-19 Shutdown

Young children of essential workers in Derbyshire, England are learning Tai Chi to help them stay relaxed and calm during the shutdown for the COVID-19

Health Defence

Lately everyone is thinking about health, their own and their family's and friend's. People might start to think about ways to strengthen their immune

World Tai Chi Day 2020 Postponed

The annual World Tai Chi and Qigong Day for 2020 has officially been postponed this year because of the recent COVID-19

Turning 100 Years Old, She Credits Tai Chi And Good Genes

Ethel Ellen of Springfield, Oregon just turned 100 years old on November 1st! One of the things she attributes to her health and well being is Tai

Fong Ha Passes Away

Fong Ha, a well known teacher of Yang style Tai Chi and Yiquan has passed away. He began learning Yang style Tai Chi in Hong Kong in 1953 from Tung Ying

10,000 Take Part In Spectacular Display of Tai Chi

More than 10,000 practitioners of Tai Chi assembled in Chenjiagou, China, for a spectacular display of a group Tai Chi

World Tai Chi Day

On the last Saturday of April, thousands of enthusiasts from across the globe will gather together in groups to demonstrate the ancient art of Tai

Tai Chi a Powerful Way to Combat Workplace Stress

America is a stressed nation, with an American Psychological Association survey noting that three out of four adults report having one stress symptom in the …

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