Slanted FlyingJournal of Tai Chi Chuan

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About Tommy Kirchoff

Master Tommy Kirchhoff was certified in 2015 by world-famous Grandmaster Victor Fu (ShengLong) to teach the internal martial arts Tai Chi, BaGua, Hsing-I, Wudang Sword and others. A professional athlete in both skiing and martial arts, Tommy enjoys alpine skiing, ski racing, and teaching little girls to ski. He taught Tai Chi to two-time Olympic gold medalist Ted Ligety, as well as winter Olympians Sarah Schleper and Erik Schlopy. Formerly a senior technical writer at Morgan Stanley Wealth Management, Tommy is the author of three abstracts published by the University of Salzburg for the International Congress on Science and Skiing.

Grasp the Sparrow’s Tail (And Look At It)

Grasp Bird’s Tail (GBT, lan que wei, 攬雀尾) is the best example of how the Fu Family (傅家) developed their family style and systemized the

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