A Small Allegory

Francisco Sánchez gives a wonderful exhibition of movement in this short film titled “A Small Allegory”. In the film, Sánchez performs movements of the Taiji Neigong Wu Bu Quan, which he learned from Master Xiumu Zhang.

Francisco Sánchez was born in Terrassa, Barcelona, during ​​the summer solstice of 1967. He is a direct disciple of the Taoist Master Zhang XiuMu, forming part of the 13th Generation of Wudang Zhao Bao TaiJi Quan lineage.Sánchez is a First Duan instructor of Taijiquan and Qigong, and founder of the TaiJi Quan YuYan® Sports Association. He is also a member of the TaiJi China-Wudang Quanfa Yanjiu Hui Chinese Association.

If you stop and breathe, in this same place and moment, the Taiji will not be just a path that I propose to share, but what you already appreciated when stopping and observing in your interior.

According to Francisco Sánchez, the inspiration to make this film was purely to honour his Master, 81 year old Master XiuMu Zhang, who instructs them daily with new and old teachings in order to approach the work of the Tao through the practice of Tai Chi Chuan, Qigong and Taoist meditation. Information in Spanish about Master XiuMu Zhang can be found here: https://yuyan.es/el-maestro-zhang-xiu-mu/

The film was produced by Xavi Díaz of Nova Era Produccions.

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