The team of game developers at “The Musket33rs” have come up “Tai Chi Elements”, a video game about Tai Chi which also helps you learn this ancient art as well! What a great concept!
This project was seen viable by fundraising using
[quote]We have dedicated ourselves to building an online environment where you can learn T’ai Chi even if you are miles from the nearest class, right in your own home. You can login and train any time of the day or night as often as you want and for as long as you wish. What’s more this project will enable you to have direct contact and feedback from experienced guides and become part of an online community of players. It’s also of great benefit as a form of reference to people who are already learning T’ai Chi. It’s easy to use, it’s convenient, and it’s very good value.[/quote]
Read more on this project here
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Why don't you contact Dr. Yang Jwing-Ming, YMAA retreat centre in California.
..seems… beautiful girl!
ii wrong! sorry! no like the pictures and cartoons!
Culture 文化 | Pearltrees
[…] Il s'agit d'un juge de l'époque Sòng divinisé. la Bureaucratie céleste Elle est surtout présente dans la religion populaire, bien qu'elle soit d'origine ancienne. Dieu du Sol : chaque région a le sien. Dieux des Portes Ou dieux ostiaires. Dìzàng Wáng 地藏王 Bodhisattva spécialement chargé de sauver les âmes des enfers. Ēmítuófó 阿彌陀佛 Le buddha des qualités infinies, l'Incommensurable, le souverain du paradis d'Occident. Fótuó 佛陀 Le buddha historique : Siddhârta Gautama (en chinois : Xīdáduō Qiáodámó 悉達多·喬答摩), né au Népal au VIe siècle av. Guānyīn 觀音 Au départ, il s'agit de Avalokiteśvara, le principal bodhisattva du bouddhisme Mahâyâna. Guān Yǔ 關羽 Ce général divinisé est le dieu de la Guerre, et ce dans les trois religions ! Hǎ 哈 Cf. les dieux des Portes. Hēng 哼 Māzǔ 媽祖 Mílè 彌勒 Le buddha des temps futurs. Mó 魔 Qín 秦 Shǎohào 少昊 Shéntú 神荼 Shuǐtiān 水天. Blog français de Radio Taiwan International. Video Game Helps You Learn Tai Chi | Slanted Flying. […]
Éléments chine (sortis du site =équipes supprimées= | Pearltrees
[…] Hǎ 哈 Cf. les dieux des Portes. Hēng 哼 Māzǔ 媽祖 Mílè 彌勒 Le buddha des temps futurs. Mó 魔 Qín 秦 Shǎohào 少昊 Shéntú 神荼 Shuǐtiān 水天. Contes et Légendes de la Chine Ancienne. 美食天下|美食|菜谱大全|家常菜谱|美食社区-最大的中文美食网站. Video Game Helps You Learn Tai Chi | Slanted Flying. […]
Excellent concept, I can’t wait to purchase this tai chi game, to further to develop my internal energy in harmony with the Creator’s! Excellent work and effort keep on working on this project I have been praying for something like this for a long time. Thanks again for all your efforts! God Bless!