Master Wei Lun Huang passed away at 11:25am on July 24, 2016. He was admitted to hospital on July 4th for a perforated colon. Unfortunately, it is reported that infection from the perforated colon spread leading to a kidney failure. Wei Lun Huang fell into a coma and never recovered.
Master Wei Lun Huang was well known and respected in the Tai Chi world. He started learning Chinese Internal Martial Arts when he was a child. Master Huang taught Yang style Tai Chi, Hsing Yi, Ba Gua, Liu He Ba Fa, and Chi Kung for over 35 years.
Below is a video of Wei Lun Huang performing the Yang style of Tai Chi Chuan at the “Taste of China” in 1988.
A website has been created as a tribute for Master Wei Lung Huang. You can visit it by clicking on the following link:
Our condolences go out to Master Wei Lun Huang’s family, as well as his many students.
“Hsing Yi strikes like lightning, Ba Gua twists like a tornado, Tai Chi is like a great ocean – deep and calm but reserves immeasurable power”
– Master Wei Lun …
Daoist Yoga Article – Dedicated to the Late Master Huang Wei Lun - Double Dragon Alliance
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