Slanted FlyingJournal of Tai Chi Chuan


The History of Tai Chi Chuan

Tai Chi Chuan, also known as Tai Chi, Taiji, or Taijiquan, is an ancient form of Chinese martial arts (Chinese Boxing), and has been dated as far back as 800 years ago. Originally, it was taught as a martial art and a wellness exercise to help increase the lifespan. The Chinese government even promoted it to the public to help keep citizens in shape and healthy. Today, millions of people still practice this ancient exercise and martial art worldwide and it is not only good for physical fitness, but is good for many health benefits including easing arthritis, back pain, and more.

There is no sound evidence showing precisely where Tai Chi Chuan originated, but legends have been passed down through the ages that discuss the beginnings of this exercise. As legend tells us, Zhang San Feng, a 13thcentury martial arts master created Tai Chi Chuan after watching a snake and a crane fighting on the Wudang Mountain. This would have been nearly 800 years ago.

After its creation, Zhang then passed the technique down to others who in turn passed it down to the Chen family who developed it further into their own style. From Zhang, Tai Chi Chuan as well as several other forms of Tai Chi Exercises were developed and grown over the years.

Now that we have established that Tai Chi Chuan dates back as far as 800 or more years ago, you may already know that it can be confusing to understand this martial art because there are many different styles that people use today. Some practice the original styles while others practice styles that started in the 20th century and even later. While many forms are used primarily for exercise and health, others are used for competition. With all forms however, balance is key when it comes to performing the various stances.

You may be asking where Tai Chi Chuan came from, and the answer is within the name itself. This form of martial arts came from focusing on the soft movements that are made by not just one body part, but by the entire body as well as the breathing patterns and relaxation benefits that make Tai Chi a healthy exercise for people of all ages. Tai Chi Chuan takes the art of martial arts to another level and the name alone means Supreme Ultimate Exercise, and for those who take part in this skilled exercise, it is an ultimate exercise that benefits mind, body and spirit.

Thanks to detailed historical data handed down throughout the years, it is thought that Tai Chi was developed in the Henan Province in the People’s Republic of China by the Chen family. The Chen style is what is considered the main style of Tai Chi. The Chen style is known for its use of low to the ground stances and power filled movements. Tai Chi has of course progressed into the modern forms that we know today, but those older styles are still used worldwide as well.

Many styles, including Chen which is fast and powerful, must be performed with relaxed moves and no tenseness or Yang, which is used for exercise and is a simpler form of the art. Tai Chi was designed to help provide relaxation and is known as an exercise to coordinate the yin and yang, or the passive and active fundamentals of the body and mind. Tai Chi Chuan is considered a martial art and practitioners can use it with or without the use of weapons when they practice this martial art.

While there are many styles today taught by masters at schools worldwide, the forms range in numbers from 24 to 108 depending on who is teaching. No matter which number you are practicing however, the stances all begin either with your weight on the rear foot, weight forward or with your weight slanted to the side. The various forms that are performed are all named for the image created by the movement. This includes names such as cloud hands, grasping the birds tail and brush knee as the stance a person is in during these resembles the actions for each of these. In many schools, students learn to consider the various forms as a line of poetry or short story telling a beautiful tale because the movements flow together so smoothly, and they really do seem to tell a beautiful tale.

No matter the age of the person, Tai Chi Chuan is a healthy exercise and one that will be a great benefit to the lifestyle of the practitioner. Since Tai Chi is a harmonious form of martial arts and exercise, it is an ideal way to enjoy the energy of the body combined with that of the mind.

About Jason Mueller

Jay Mueller has been studying martial arts since he was 10 when his parents enrolled him into Taekwondo. He has recently been studying Tai Chi Chuan and it has really helped calm his mind. He enjoys writing for in his free time.

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