Slanted FlyingJournal of Tai Chi Chuan


The Slow Motion Tai Chi Of Daniel Medvedov

Daniel Medvedov practices and teaches what is known as the 384 Tai Chi Sequence of Yao style of Traditional Book Of Changes I Ching system. Daniel Medvedov is known as a Zen Master internationally by his students, as he practices the Chinese branch of Zen, which he was authorized to teach by Master Nan Huai Chin, and Grandmaster Liu Yuen Chiao.

Please enjoy this video titled “TAICHI SlowMo Daniel Medvedov” which was filmed in Vienna, Austria.

Dr. Daneil Medvedov has his Ph D. in Philosophy from the International Institute for Cultural Philosophy, East-West Essence Society in Taipei, China. He is also a Specialist in Theology, as well as a Specialist in Chinese Culture.

The video was filmed by Luis Casanova Sorolla, who is a student of Daniel Medvedov. To see more information and some nice photos of Daniel Medvedov, please visit  the gallery of Luis Caanova Sorolla at

4 thoughts on “The Slow Motion Tai Chi Of Daniel Medvedov”

  1. marta velazco says:

    Divino Daniel, una vez hace bastante tiempo, estando en Tokio caminando por sus calle, presencie un Sirsana (parada de cabeza) de un ejecutivo nipon que estaba en sus horas de descanso, con su maletín de ejecutivo al lado y su corbata cubría su rostro fue tan interesante verlo que enseguida me detuve acompañarlo en su practica para detener y sostener el mundo en ese instante. Ahora tu Daniel agarrando, tomando el Qi de ese momento en esa ciudad donde habitas. es maravilloso verte en esa cámara lenta. besos OM

  2. Gracias por tan precioso comentario; Marta Velazco

    1. Slanted Flying says:

      Hello Daniel,

      Loved your video!

  3. Roberto says:

    aprovecho para saludarte
    un abrazo,

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